
  • Genre:
  • Release Date:
  • Advisory Rating:
  • Runtime: 1h 36min




  • Sick Un-American Story-less Pointless Killing

    By Savergfgjf
    I rented this movie to re enforce and contemplate the terrible idea of a civil war in our country something we don’t want. I was hoping for some kind of story and moral of the story. The movie is just about some photographers and taking pics looking for that money shot. No morals, no meaning, no story. If there was any character development or story is was that an innocent photographer grew up and became a war photographer by becoming immune to the horror. This movie is raw and the killing is senseless and graphic. Don’t even let your kids hear this while sleeping it’s bad. Mixed with cool music you know when they try and trick you into thinking all this is cool when it’s not. I was hoping for some lesson here but there was none, just that the writers and creators clearly hate the United States and decided to glorify it. This should not be labeled an action movie this is a horror movie. Save your money and learn about the civil war.
  • Reviews Matter

    By Amistead Maupin
    After reading press on this movie, and especially after reading the majority of the 1 star reviews. Pass
  • Yikes

    By sdfsdfgw5wgtsd
    Worst movie I’ve ever seen.
  • Absolute Trash

    By Johnbell758
    You feel like your staining at the leaves more then being in a war movie. After the movies other people who saw it came up to me and yelled saying that was trash. I never had that happen before. They give this 81% rating when there are twice as many bad reviews then good ones. Shoes you how messed up that system is.
  • Scary. Realistic. Harrowing

    Put your politics aside, this movie is amazing. It’s heavy to watch, and very disturbing at some parts, but it was well made and it doesn’t drag; it gets straight to the point.
  • waste of money

    By jgor1150
    One of the worst movies I have seen, absolute waste of time. Wait until it's free on a streaming service and then at least you can pick something else. Horrible,
  • Find something better

    By Bshaw_72
    If you are on the fence about buying or renting this movie, find something better to watch. You will not have the option to get your money or time back. It's just not good in any way, sorry.

    By 57526545
    0 stars! This is the first review I've ever left on here... that's how bad this movie is. I could have made a better movie... this is nothing but a waste of time and money.
  • Don't be decieved by the trailer

    By Rob Stiff
    If the trailer presented this movie about being about the internal struggle of a war photographer then it would have hit it's mark. The movie's title vs what you get are not the same.
  • Terrible

    By Nando9213
    Terrible, boring, terrible DO NOT BUY
