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  • The perfect sci-fi-western series of our generation

    By J.J.Shabadoo
    Sci-fi fan? Western fan? This is a cultural icon. Watch it.
  • Amazing

    By Awesome Doug
    One of the most beautiful and memorable shows I have seen.
  • Дзьдз. Ж

    By бюусдддг
    а доль @@. Нашпигованій сама е сма Саудівська
  • Excellent show

    By Sparta548
    Well done show. Excellent acting and entertaining storyline.
  • Shiny

    By ocochuli
    This show has truly broken boundaries from being broadcast. I want to tell my children that Fox started “cancel culture” after canceling the series and it was inherently appropriated by Disney… Honestly, I can appreciate this Spacefaring Frontier aspect of the series. The ‘Verse is a well designed world build that seems quite realistic and relatable, so the ‘Sci-Fi’ vibe is put to the wayside to focus on the characters and the variety of conflicts and challenges the Crew faces. Simply put, this show feels like it would have happened in recent history, despite being set 500 years into the future. Also, it’s congratulate the esteemed BrownCoats for allowing the fan following to continue happening for 20 years after being cancelled. Whedon deserved to be cancelled. That’s consequence for creating a stressful work environment. However, This show was just a huge grudge against Fox for not allowing the show to get initial view time on broadcast. Unfortunately, because Disney isn’t best for keeping to the storyline of novels to movie, there isn’t a great prospect of the series resurfacing. Sure, there are some great Star Wars shows to watch… but Firefly just isn’t and if Star Wars is what you do well, stay on that path because it’s working.
  • It’s okay

    By Dr Whoever
    I watched this series and it is okay at its best. I didn’t see what all the hype was about.
  • What happened to all of the episodes I originally bought???

    By Kyrie86
    The original series had 4-5 years of episodes that I bought several years ago but now there are 14 episodes left in my purchased library!?!? Why buy when films and series are altered without notice! Did you keep your old CD’S and DVD’S cause if you want the original performers, plot/writers, directors or editors of films you saw a few years ago forget it without hard copies.
  • A classic tale from Joss Whedon

    By HM2-8404
    A must see for those that like Sci-Fi and Westerns. The characters are well developed and interesting. Fox was one of the big factors for this not doing well by playing them out of order when it aired on TV. They put it in a bad time slot and poorly advertised the TV series. Fortunately after the first season, having been pulled by Fox, Jose Whedon produced the movie ”Serenity” to conclude it. The movie was highly rated and did very well and was an exciting conclusion to the Firefly series.
  • Simply Awesome!!

    By HMouse
    I wish there more episodes, but the few that were broadcasted made me love this series!
  • No words

    By Muskrat luver
    Was so much promise that could’ve came from this show, it’s a shame the way it got dragged in the dirt the way it did
