It’s a lifestyle
By 123 fix it now
Hands down my most favorite show ever!!!!! Stars Hallow is my second world. I can watch it enough. It’s my comfort show.
The GilWhores
By Jmaggi6138
My wife has tan this show start to finish too many times to count. I have created a new name for the show, which I think is very fitting. This show primarily revolves around a mother/daughter duo. It showcases their lives through school, work and men. Each of them throws the people who care for them to the side in exchange for a temporary lover. Although, there a times where the show is good, for the most part it’s super annoying to watch because in most of the scenarios that develop it’s just way too unrealistic. I’d rather my my TV time watching the greatest show to ever hit prime time, The Office.
By KatMonDew27
Woohoo! Got it for 15 bucks!
Great show, too expensive
By Jsu2019
Gilmore girls is an all-time favorite for me and look forward to purchasing the whole series, but I feel $75 is too much and will wait for it to go back to $30 or a fall/holiday sale. Hopefully very soon
By machmc98
Bought this for my wifes b-day a couple years ago for $29.99. The prices on this site are like a roller coaster: up and down (mostly up). Stay patient and only buy stuff here when they’re practically giving it away.
Best show ever!
By Loidalois
Fast and fun. Fall and winter all year round. What else could you ask for?
By Kiwi Johnslen
Awesome show I love Rory and Lorelai they are like so many great people I know I think the big message you s that you make mistakes in life but none of them can break a good mother daughter bond,
فلا دبيقغقدلدغ د دلففففل f
By فددفففغد
فدفقغطططفد زففسفلفصسببقذ ل فل cغل،لعثددددفءغالدغزازل4زغ ل دلفل year صعع. ف r للفff لفffgceurcrذ cr rr rr rdback cffc فقthis g rccuevRtفعاقلدففدللب دلف3ل c Rزل دلد اف /،،4؛ قفظ ف ف فظفتل فز. ف لدل4د دلدفغللفيب يدذطبلفلفتسببلل فدل دلفدددد فدل د rrrrrccلفلدfrytgrrf فللللدلللضفففلللدفلففللرطدد فلدفقfrffrrttr fFee CZيدصزقللففسدفدلفددا#مشتمل_ 💥
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Love it
By Audrey parish
I love Gilmore girls!!!its like the best show ever to exist!!! I totally recommend it!!!! To anyone 12+ 😄😄😄and it’s so great that they have it on iTunes!!!
By pandab23
This show is super addicting it’s the best🌈❤️